7 Donation Page Examples That Will Help You Raise More Online

Donation pages are the simplest way to collect donations online. You may have a general donation page that hides behind your “Donate” button, however, have you considered other ways you can use donation pages to increase online donations and average gift?

Here are seven donation page examples that you can use throughout your fundraising plan to raise more.

7 Donation Page Examples For Your Nonprofit

1. Collect Everyday Donations

screenshot from stupid cancer

Most nonprofits are already collecting donations online, but if you’re not careful, it’s easy for problems and confusion to arise.

For example, it’s common for nonprofits to use a third-party processor to process the transaction. But once a donor redirects to a different website that doesn’t look anything like your nonprofit’s website, it’s easier for them to avoid following through on the donation. That’s NOT what you want.

Plus, too often we see organizations using unnecessarily long forms that aren’t mobile-optimized, or just a standard PayPal button that doesn’t give your donors giving options or a professional giving experience.

Instead of collecting online donations using clunky software, try an optimized donation page designed to help you increase donation amounts and boost conversion rates to help you raise more everyday.

Also, to maintain consistency and provide donors the best experience, make sure your donation page keeps your donor on your website. 

With CauseVox, you can embed your optimized donation page right on your website.

CauseVox Donation Page embedded on Nicholas House’s website

Don’t have your donors get redirected to a 3rd party site or clunky form that makes it difficult to donate on mobile.

With CauseVox, you can embed your branded donation page on your website through a pop-up, or a new embeddable form directly on the page.

The CauseVox Donation Page is optimized to give your donors a delightful experience on any device. With mobile-optimized pages, Apple and Google Pay options, and a reduction in the fields required to complete donations, it’s never been quicker or easier to give online.

Ensuring your donors have a good donor experience tells them that their convenience, time, and gift matter to you, and increases the likelihood they’ll give again!


Make sure your giving experience is great, and you’ll see the benefits in your relationships with donors and see more donations pouring in on your website.

2. Promote Your Special Appeals and Specific Programs

There are certain times throughout the year when you may be more inclined to run a special fundraiser, such as an appeal to fund a specific program and donation pages are a solid option to collect donations. 

Whenever possible, give your donors different options to choose from when making a donation. This can include recurring giving, suggested amounts and customizable donation tiers with descriptions (suggested levels of giving). 

Use the design features on the donation page setup step to create donation tiers specific to the campaign you’re running. By having donation tiers tied to impact, donors are more likely to make a donation based on the impact they can create, as opposed to a dollar amount. This often leads to larger donations, while helping donors feel like they’re making a difference for your mission.  


3. Partnerships & Corporate Sponsors

Do you partner with another nonprofit, business or corporation that promotes giving amongst their employee or client base? If so, you can customize a donation page specific to that audience.

You can even include their logo directly in their header and co-brand the page!

This way, your partners are empowered to send the page out to their community in an email, or potentially embed a donate button on the website to your charity.

Stupid Cancer uses CauseVox to keep their brand consistent on their donation page. Custom-branded donation pages build trust with donors, and increase both the size of average gifts and likelihood that a donor will make a second one.

Use colors in line with your organization’s branding, or in line with the branding of your partner organization, such as the colors in the logo or other marketing materials. Familiar branding and imagery are always helpful in ensuring consistency and accountability.

With CauseVox, you won’t need to call IT or learn to code to build your branded page–it’s very easy, even for non-techies.


4. Use In Email Appeals or Social Media Blitzes

Donors don’t just get to your donation page through a web search. Often, they’re directed there from your emails and social media profiles.

Make it easy on your donors by linking directly to your donation page through email appeals and any social media fundraising blitzes you run.

A simple call-to-action encouraging people to “Support,” “Donate,” etc. along with a link to a  donation page customized with amounts specifically related to your email ask will direct people to where they need to go to make a gift. It’s almost too easy!

See how CauseVox makes it easy to create and manage branded donation pages and embed them directly on your website whether you’re using WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, or another CMS.

You may be asking: Why would I use a customized donation page when the page on my website works just fine at capturing donations? There are a few reasons why your donors will have a much better experience giving through an official donation page.

  • It’s easily personalized for each campaign. For example, some nonprofits choose to maintain their website’s default donation page for general donations but rely on donation pages for each specific appeal.
  • It’s trackable. With a donation page, you can quickly view which marketing appeals are bringing in donations. Then, you can adapt and adjust your fundraising techniques moving forward.
  • It’s perfect for donor segmentation. Donation tiers aren’t one-size fits all, especially if you’re targeting both your major and small gift donors within the same campaign. Instead of using one donation page for all donors, you can create multiple ones targeted at different donor segments.

5. Try Donor Segmentation

Since we just mentioned that if you know one segment of your donor base is more likely to give online, than it’s vital you meet them where they are.

Start by performing some data mining through your donor management software or another tracking system. Check specifically for donors in these categories:

  • Donors who gave at least once online
  • Donors who subscribe to your email list
  • Donors who have connected via social media
  • Donors who are likely to make a recurring gift (those making 2+ gifts per year, major donors)

Regardless of whether you’re running a special fundraising campaign, looking to boost your recurring giving numbers, or simply want to make donors aware of your donation page, sending out an impactful nonprofit story with a link to your donation page may appeal to these key groups.

Pro Tip: Create different donation pages based on donor segments. You may want to send larger donors to a customized donation page with tiers specifically set with appropriate asks.

Sponsorship level donation page

6. Events

It’s not surprising that some donors are unable to make in-person events, regardless of how exciting your organization’s polar plunge, 5k, or dinner fundraiser may be.

But just because they can’t attend doesn’t mean those donors aren’t interested in giving. Go ahead and send out a customized donation page to your loyal donors that can’t make it to ensure they’re given a chance to contribute.

Stupid Cancer’s Toast Gala Donation Page

With CauseVox’s new donation page interface, users can make a donation in two steps, which makes the process of achieving donations super simple and seamless. 

If donors have to wade through a clunky platform or multiple steps just to make a donation, chances are high they could get frustrated and leave your site before completing the transaction. 

CauseVox’s new donation page interface takes the guesswork out of the process and gets the donor from point A to point B in two simple steps. 


7. Recurring Giving

By incorporating a recurring giving option on your donation page, you automatically set your nonprofit up to bring in more money.


Given the fact that monthly/recurring donors give upwards of 42% more over the course of the year than one-time donors, it’s always a good idea to encourage donors to give a recurring gift.

Go ahead and add that option right on the donation form.

Plus, recurring donations keep your donor engaged. 

The Fundraising Effectiveness Project of 2015 found that 19% of first-time nonprofit donors were retained compared to 63% of repeat donors, meaning that your chances of losing a donor decrease the more frequently they give.

When you use CauseVox for your recurring donation pages, you’re increasing the donor’s engagement and ensuring they stay involved.

You can set up customized Recurring Donation Tiers for your donation page, crowdfunding or peer-to-peer campaign, helping you to easily assign flexible gift levels for your recurring donation – separate from your one-time donations.

Using Recurring Donation Tiers, you can:

  • Set up the perfect gift sizes to convert more recurring donors on your donation form.
  • Increase recurring donor gift sizes, helping increase overall digital giving all year long.
  • Customize the giving experience for your recurring donors.

Learn more about how you can use Recurring Donation Tiers to convert more recurring donors and increase gift size.

If a donor is engaged with your mission, why wouldn’t you go after recurring donations? By pre-selecting “monthly recurring” vs. “one-time” donors can make a monthly donation with just one button, eliminating frustration and making it easy for donors to continually support your mission.

Plus, if your donors are committing to give monthly, you’ll want to use a service that helps you retain donors.

If a donor’s credit card fails, CauseVox automatically sends emails to rescue lapsed recurring donors and give them a quick and easy way to update their card, helping prevent donor churn and help you continue raising more long-term.

**Insider Tip: And while you’re at it, ask your donors to cover the administrative costs at the same time. We found that, just by asking, your nonprofit or charity is likely to entice 80% of your donors to cover those extra fees through donation tipping!

You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how many donors decide your cause is worth the extra mile (and an extra 3%)!

Raise More With Less Effort Through CauseVox Donation Pages

When it comes to collecting donations, you have a lot of options. Before you start printing those pledge forms or gathering phone numbers for a marathon phone-a-thon, consider setting up a donation page. Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to raising more online.

Learn how you can use CauseVox Donation Pages to raise more online.

This post was originally posted on 3/6/18 and was updated on 7/20/20.