Building A Year-End Fundraising Strategy That’s Designed To Succeed

Ready for year-end fundraising?

Nearly one-third of annual giving occurs in the month of December alone. 

But, many organizations fail to plan ahead, leaving money on the table and making year-end one of the most dreaded times for fundraisers. 

Plus, we can expect that year-end fundraising in 2020 is going to look a little different from the others.

However, a well planned, multi-channel year end campaign can help boost year-end income, take the stress out of fundraising, and help further your nonprofit mission. 

In this 3-part course, Building A Year-End Fundraising Strategy That’s Designed To Succeed, join us to learn how to:

  • Plan an organized, multi-channel campaign;
  • Select what channels (email, social, mail, telephone) will work best for your fundraising operation;
  • Tools and tricks to manage your campaign without adding more work;
  • Get the most out of your mail, email, and social with copywriting tips;
  • Measure your success and course-correct if needed.
  • Incorporate #GivingTuesday into your year-end plan
  • + so much more

Over the course of 3 hour-long classes, we’ll walk you through how to plan your year-end giving campaign step by step + provide you with tools and templates to equip you to succeed.

You’ll walk away equipped with a comprehensive year-end fundraising plan you can feel confident will help you meet and exceed your year-end fundraising goals.


Picture of Kelly McLaughlin
Kelly McLaughlin

Your FIT Nonprofit Coach

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