How to Create a Mid-Level Donor Strategy

As nonprofit professionals, we spend a lot of time focused on major donors or on crowdfunding campaigns that target smaller donors. As a result, we can often miss the hidden gems of our donor base, the passionate, engaged, and consistently generous mid-level donors.

Mid-level donors are those typically contributing between $1,000 and $10,000 annually and act as a crucial bridge between small and major donors. They play a key role in fundraising by providing a steady stream of significant support while having the potential to increase their giving over time. Cultivating relationships and refining your mid-level donor strategy can lead to deeper engagement and long-term loyalty, making them valuable assets in any fundraising plan.

By focusing on this group, your organization can create a pipeline for major gifts and ensure future financial stability. Let’s dive in and discuss how to identify, understand, steward, and engage this essential donor base.

Identifying Mid-Level Donors

Mid-level donors are typically defined by their donation size, but there’s more to it than just the dollar amount. These donors tend to give more consistently and show a deeper connection to your cause. They’re not just writing a check and walking away; they believe in your mission and often have the capacity and desire to do more.

To identify who your mid-level donors are, you can leverage your CRM or donor database to track giving patterns, engagement, and communication history. 


An example of how CauseVox’s CRM feature works

These systems can help  make your donor management and data analysis seamless, helping you look for trends in donation frequency, event attendance, and volunteerism which can help you spot donors that are ready to move into that mid-level range.

Understanding Mid-Level Donors

Understanding mid-level donors’ motivations is key to building lasting relationships. These donors are typically highly invested in your cause, seeking impact but not always ready for the significant financial commitment of major gifts. They often share characteristics like loyalty, a desire for deeper connection, and interest in seeing measurable results.

Creating donor personas helps capture these traits, allowing you to tailor your approach to connect with these mid-level donors more effectively. While small donors might be inspired by a sense of community or ease of giving, and major donors are driven by legacy-building, mid-level donors falls somewhere in between. 

For instance, using your collected data you could create the  persona of Stacey, an impact-seeking donor who is about 45, mid-career, and looking for a way to make a tangible difference in a cause she cares deeply about because of her own personal experience. She often feels lost in your email appeals for small one-time gifts, but doesn’t give enough to have the one-on-one relationship like you do with your major donors. She prefers personalized communication, like phone calls or tailored emails explaining how her gift is making a significant impact. 

Stacey’s Donor Persona generated using AI

As illustrated by the persona for Stacey, personalized engagement is crucial for donors who lie in the mid-level range—they value more than just a thank you. They want to be recognized, informed, and involved in a meaningful way, making their contributions feel essential to your mission’s success. We will discuss this in-depth next.

Stewarding Your Mid-Level Donor Strategy

Nurturing mid-level donors is all about building meaningful, lasting relationships through personalized attention, recognition, and consistent engagement to deepen their connection to your cause. Let’s explore how you can implement these tools to make your donors feel more appreciated.

Personalized Communication Strategies

When it comes to your mid-level donor strategy, a little personalization can go a long way! Tailoring your communication to resonate with their interests and values not only shows that you care but also strengthens their connection to your mission. Think about using their name in emails, referencing past contributions, or sharing stories that align with their passions. This thoughtful approach helps them feel valued and keeps them engaged. 

Creating a Mid-Level Donor Program

Establishing a dedicated mid-level donor program can be a game changer for your organization. By offering exclusive benefits and recognition, you can make these donors feel truly special. Our partner, Veritus, has an excellent free resource on how to develop a mid-level donor program. They explore what blocks the pipeline for smaller donors to become mid-level donors, how to develop closer relationships with the mid-level givers, and why investment in these individuals makes financial sense. 

Building Relationships Through Regular Updates

Keeping your mid-level donors in the loop is crucial. Regular updates and impact reports are fantastic ways to maintain that relationship. Share the good news about how their contributions are making a difference. Use engaging visuals, heartfelt stories, and even personal notes to highlight specific projects they’ve supported. This transparency creates trust and shows these mid-level donors exactly how their generosity is being put to use.

Build A Successful Stewardship Plan

There are so many inspiring examples of successful stewardship programs out there. Organizations that prioritize relationship-building and personalized engagement often see impressive results. For instance, some nonprofits have tailored stewardship plans that include heartfelt thank-you videos, handwritten notes from beneficiaries, or exclusive donor appreciation days. These initiatives not only celebrate contributions but also foster a sense of community among donors, reinforcing their commitment to your cause.

Engagement Strategies For Mid-Level Donors

When it comes to a mid-level donor strategy, a one-size-fits-all approach to outreach just doesn’t cut it! Here are a few tips to engage this important group with tools that work.

Tailored Marketing and Outreach Campaigns 

These campaigns allow you to connect with donors on a personal level. Whether it’s a targeted email or a thoughtful direct mail campaign, you can use donor data to craft messages that feel more like a conversation than a pitch. These personalized touches show donors that they matter, and that you’re paying attention to what makes them tick.

Leveraging Digital Tools

The digital age offers so many opportunities to engage mid-level donors where they already are—online. This engagement is an essential part of your mid-level donor strategy. Sending email updates that showcase the impact of their giving, hosting exclusive webinars to share behind-the-scenes insights, or engaging them in meaningful conversations on social platforms can deepen their connection to your mission. These digital interactions are not only easy to implement but also help to maintain that ongoing dialogue with your donors.

Involvement Opportunities

Mid-level donors often want more than just to write a check—they want to be involved! Offering them opportunities to participate in volunteer projects or take on advisory roles can deepen their commitment to your organization. Volunteering allows them to see the impact of their donations up close, while advisory roles can make them feel like an integral part of your team. These engagement opportunities establish a stronger sense of ownership and pride in the work you’re doing together.

Encouraging Peer-to-Peer Fundraising and Donor Advocacy

Your mid-level donors can be some of your most powerful advocates, so utilize them! Encouraging these donors to participate in peer-to-peer fundraising or to share their giving story with others can help amplify your message. Whether it’s through hosting their own fundraiser, sharing posts on social media, or simply talking about your cause with their network, peer-to-peer advocacy can extend your reach and inspire others to get involved. 

Ensure Your Website is Mid-Level Donor Ready 

Your website should be as professional and polished as the rest of your donor strategy. A seamless, well-designed, and easy-to-navigate site can make all the difference when engaging these mid-level donors. Consider using a customizable, branded donation page and ensure it is clear, visually appealing, and offers easy giving options like mobile wallets.

You may also consider offering pledge donations as an option, which allows donors to commit to larger gifts over time. This can be especially appealing to mid-level donors who want to make a bigger impact but prefer to spread out their giving. 

Measuring Success

When it comes to measuring the success of your mid-level donor strategy for things like engagement, having clear key performance indicators (KPIs) can make all the difference. 

These metrics might include donor retention rates, the number of personal interactions you have with them, or the overall increase in their giving amounts. By defining what success looks like for your organization, you can track progress and celebrate those wins, no matter how big or small!

To really understand how your mid-level donor strategy is working and if your donors are responding to your outreach, it’s essential to track and analyze their behavior and feedback. 

Ask questions like:

  • Are they opening your emails
  • How often are they engaging with your social media posts? 
  • Where do they click on your website, and where do they leave? 

By keeping an eye on these activities, you can gain valuable insights into what resonates with these donors. Plus, don’t underestimate the power of direct feedback! Surveys or informal check-ins can provide a wealth of information about what they love and what could use some tweaking.

The best part about measuring success is that it gives you the opportunity to adjust your strategies based on real data and feedback. If you notice that certain types of content or outreach methods are working particularly well, lean into those! 

Conversely, if some approaches aren’t getting the engagement you hoped for, don’t be afraid to pivot. Being responsive is essential to an effective mid-level donor strategy and it shows that you value their input.

Get Started Growing Your Donor Base

In the long run, a well-executed mid-level donor strategy can yield incredible benefits for your organization. These donors provide a steady, reliable stream of support and, with the right engagement, have the potential to become major donors. By cultivating meaningful relationships, offering personalized communication, and keeping them engaged with your mission, you’re not only ensuring their continued generosity but also encouraging long-term loyalty and investment in your cause.

Now is the perfect time to start implementing these strategies and watch your mid-level donor base thrive! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to create deeper connections with this crucial group of supporters. Download our donor retention playbook for free below to discover effective strategies for engaging and retaining your donors.

Download the Donor Engagement & Retention Playbook