Make The Most Of Your Fundraising Website


In this age of social media, content marketing, and multi-media, everyone starts to feel a little overwhelmed and distracted. But few people feel it more than fundraisers.

Although the plethora of promotional options for your fundraising campaign can empower you to reach heights that you couldn’t have reached a mere five years ago, the sheer number of channels can make even the most social media savvy marketer feel a little dizzy.

Which channels should you use? From Facebook to Twitter to Periscope, the options are many and skipping even one can leave you feeling as though you are missing out.

How do you keep everything updated and in line? We all know how easy it is to go at every channel with full steam at the beginning of a campaign and then feel the struggle of keeping all of them equally updated as time goes on.

And, most importantly, how do you know which channel is most important?

We can answer that last one.

The most important channel to your fundraising campaign is your fundraising website.

In our ebook,Making the Most of Your Fundraising Website, we talk about why this channel is the most important one of your campaign and walk through a series of steps for maximizing your impact. Some great takeaways include:

Align your site with your brand image.
Brand is not just a for-profit word. See how some of the most notable and successful nonprofits have built strong brands and easily identifiable logos. And then learn how to apply that to specific decisions regarding your site’s layout and design.

Be more than just a pretty site.
The design and layout set the stage but people don’t stay for the stage. This section lays out a plan for creating a site of substance. Learn how to structure your story first and then seamlessly apply it across all of your channels.

Offer desirable features.
Originally conceived of as fun additions, there are a number of features now that have become baseline requirements for any fundraising site that wants to be trusted. Learn about those key elements and how CauseVox can help make sure you have them.

For a dash of inspiration and all of the specific information you need to surpass your fundraising goals, download a free copy of Making the Most of Your Fundraising Website.