How To Use CauseVox To Design A Successful #GivingTuesday Campaign

Giving Tuesday is a huge fundraising opportunity for your nonprofit. However, increased participation makes it difficult for your campaign to stand above the noise—let alone hit your goals. Watch Rob Wu, CauseVox’s CEO, share how you can design a compelling #GivingTuesday campaign with CauseVox that captures supporters’ attention, builds momentum, and drives sharing. During the […]

Live Debate: Facebook Fundraiser Pros & Cons

In the last few years, Facebook has launched an array of new tools for nonprofits. This includes a better donations tool, groups, events, and peer-to-peer fundraisers. Additionally, Facebook has made three major shifts to how it prioritizes content in the News Feed. All these changes can be tough to keep up with. What should your […]

How To Run A Successful Online Fundraising Campaign

The world we live in today can feel overwhelming. Your supporters are feeling the same way and will receive at least 5 or more other nonprofits’ appeals per month, plus all the advertising and promotions for-profit companies overwhelm your supporters with monthly. During this 30-minute webinar, we will discuss best practices on how you can plan a successful […]

How To Successfully Fundraise On Social Media

The rise in popularity of social media channels over the past decade has fundamentally changed how we connect with one another, how we discover news, and how we consume and share information that matters. Now, it’s easier than ever before to maintain relationships, to watch your loved ones celebrate milestones, and to advocate and rally […]

Optimize Your Fundraising With The CauseVox Fundraising CRM

Donation data hasn’t historically been easy to manage. You’re likely using one software for your online fundraising campaigns, another for your donation page, another for your events, and realistically, many many more. Then, you have to get all this information into yet another software for donor management. You’re often left spending a good chunk of […]