How To Successfully Promote Your Year-End Fundraising Campaign

After seeing thousands of campaigns here at CauseVox, we know that promoting your fundraiser the right way can help to ensure a successful campaign. This is especially the case as the year comes to an end and your fundraising efforts ramp up. During this 30-minute webinar, we will share what we’ve learned over the years […]

How Nonprofits Must Adapt To Facebook Changes

Social media is a powerful tool for nonprofits to connect with their community and share their story. However, things are changing (all the time). Facebook’s News Feed has changed again. Live video is growing in popularity and value. Instagram usage continues to skyrocket. And more. What should nonprofits do? How should you shift your strategy? […]

7 Tips for Giving Tuesday Social Media Posts

After the commercialism craze of Black Friday and Cyber Monday is over, GivingTuesday is a day to help us all refocus. So, what exactly is GivingTuesday? Well, quite simply, it’s a day dedicated to fostering a spirit of selflessness and philanthropy. Since its start in 2012, GivingTuesday—which occurs on the first Tuesday after the U.S. […]

Monday Mixtape 021: Make The Most of Your Summer Fundraising Slump

Monday Mixtape 021: Make The Most of Your Summer Fundraising Slump Here’s your Monday Mixtape, a weekly newsletter from CauseVox designed to jumpstart your week, challenge your thinking, and inspire you to keep at it. Each week, we’ll hand-pick must-read articles, thinking, resources, and stories for nonprofit fundraisers and leaders and drop it in your inbox. Have suggestions […]

How to Write an Effective Fundraising Plan for Your Nonprofit

Every nonprofit, no matter how small or large, needs a strong nonprofit fundraising plan in order to thrive. Join us for this hour-long webinar to learn how to write a successful fundraising plan for your non-profit. During this webinar, you’ll learn: Everyone who registers will also get a copy of a complete, professionally-written sample fundraising […]