How To Run A Virtual Trivia Night Fundraiser For Your Nonprofit

As quarantining and social distancing drag on, basically everyone in the country wants fun ways to connect with their communities. As a fundraiser, that desire is something that you can use to tailor your events and fundraising strategies. And we have the perfect idea: host a virtual trivia night fundraiser. Choosing fundraising events that make people […]

[Webinar] Last-Minute Year-End Fundraising Survival Guide

Nearly one-third of annual giving occurs in the month of December alone, and December 31 is the biggest giving day of the year. So, if you don’t have a year-end fundraising plan in place, you can be certain that you’re leaving money on the table. But, you only have a couple of weeks left to […]

[Register Now] Intensive: Master Your #GivingTuesday Fundraising

In 2019, organizations worldwide raised over $511 million online on GivingTuesday, continuing its record of consistent growth every year.  And, here at CauseVox, our goal is to help you raise more during #GivingTuesday with less effort. With #GivingTuesday coming up on December 1st this year, we know you’re working on a short timeline to make […]

[Webinar] How To Maximize Your Year-End Fundraising During Covid

Year-end fundraising in 2020 is going to look a little different than in years past. In the past, year-end fundraising has relied on traditional strategies like direct mail and events. But this year, the rapid shift to digital-first fundraising has changed the fundraising landscape. But, over the last 8 months, we’ve seen firsthand how nonprofits […]

Building A Year-End Fundraising Strategy That’s Designed To Succeed

Ready for year-end fundraising? Nearly one-third of annual giving occurs in the month of December alone.  But, many organizations fail to plan ahead, leaving money on the table and making year-end one of the most dreaded times for fundraisers.  Plus, we can expect that year-end fundraising in 2020 is going to look a little different […]

[Class On-Demand] Intensive: Getting Started With Individual Giving

Did you have any major funding fall through this year? It leaves you with a pit in your stomach, thinking, “How am I going to make up for all those lost funds?” But there is a way forward! You can start by building your individual giving program at your nonprofit. Individual giving is both intriguing […]

[TUTORIAL] How To Run Your Virtual Fundraiser On CauseVox

Looking into how you can run your virtual fundraiser using CauseVox? During this 40-minute tutorial, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about setting up and managing a successful virtual fundraising event on the CauseVox platform. We’ll discuss: We’ll have a Q&A session to get all your virtual fundraising questions answered. This session […]