3 Reminders For The Last 3 Days Of The Year

Numbers vary from study to study, but the percentage of total annual giving that takes place in the final three days of December is estimated to be 11-15%. That’s right. The last three days of December are huge for giving. Whether it’s last-second tax breaks, or the tail-end of holiday spirit, people are ready to […]

7 Questions To Ask Before You Send A Year-End Fundraising Email

With only a few weeks left in 2016, it’s time to start planning your year-end fundraising campaign. While you’re brainstorming social media, drafting your direct mail appeals, and setting up your online donation platform, don’t forget email—it’s a medium to communicate with your supporters that can really deliver. Marketers have found that email has a great […]

5 Ways To Equip Your Board To Be Year-End Fundraising Superstars

Fundraising professionals are great at getting things done, but that’s often because we do it all ourselves. We’ll write every appeal, call all the donors, launch the online campaign, and then post to social media, because we figure someone has to do it, and at least we know we’ll do it right. While being the […]

Annual And Year-End Campaign: Top Strategies For 2016

While the old Christmas song heralds December as “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” for fundraising professionals, “The Most Stressful Time” might be more accurate. Research shows that this is the time when many nonprofits raise a significant portion of their funds–50% of nonprofits receive a majority of their donations from October through December. […]

Storytelling Should Fuel All Your Fundraising

Like beavers building dams, or geese flying in formation, storytelling is a defining, instinctual feature of humans as a species. At CauseVox, we believe stories can change the world, and definitely change your fundraising campaigns. That’s why our all-in-one fundraising platform is designed to facilitate telling stories. “We believe stories can change the world, and […]

3 Fundraising Ideas For Small Nonprofits

As nonprofit fundraisers, it’s easy for us to see the advantages of being big. There are some things large, established organizations simply have an easier time doing, like launching a national awareness campaign, or attracting major gifts and grants. Still, there are some fundraising techniques that are ideal when you’re a small nonprofit. Going online, […]

End Of Year Giving: 5 Ways To Raise More Money This Year-End

We spend a lot of time talking with our nonprofit customers here at CauseVox, and they all say that end of year giving accounts for a large percentage of overall giving throughout the year at their organizations. Many people feel especially generous around the winter holidays, and it’s also the last chance for tax-deductible charitable […]

Nonprofit Website Best Practices: 20 Inspiring Examples

Although it’s common for nonprofits to think of their website as something to check a box, simply having a website is not enough. A solid nonprofit website is one of the most important tools to amplify your efforts and drive your mission forward.  In this blog, we will explore the importance of having a functional […]

What’s The Best Way To Tell Your Story?

Quick!  Which would you rather experience? A) A gorgeous five-minute video of beautiful (but unrelated) images and clips, or B) A five-page story from the diary of a grandmother living through the Great Depression If you want to hear what granny had to say, you probably already understand where we’re going with this post: storytelling […]