Why Nonprofits Need to Create Content

Have you been dragging your feet about updating your organizational blog?  Does your Twitter account now display virtual tumbleweed bouncing across the screen?  Is your idea of having a social media presence keeping your MySpace account wallpaper current? If so, you need to rededicate (or just dedicate) yourself to creating content, and doing so thoughtfully […]

4 Tips on Cultivating Major Gifts and Donors

Recently, we had a chat with Ruthellen Rubin, CFRE, a nonprofit consultant and professor at NYU’s Heyman Center for Philanthropy & Fundraising, about the best ways for nonprofits to communicate with major donors. If you know how to address your biggest donors, you will inspire continued and increasing support. If you don’t, however, you may […]

How R/Evolution raised over $50,000 on their first social fundraising campaign

 “Since this was an international campaign, in the beginning, I was scared about whether there would be issues with different currencies.  After setup, however, everything ran really smoothly.  It was great!”  -Malik Metouri, Organizer Recently, R/Evolution leveraged CauseVox’s social fundraising tools to raise over $50,000 to put on an event to honor H.H. Shri Mataji […]

How to Be a Good Board Member: 7 Must-Have Traits

All right – you’re jumping hurdles and filing the paperwork to incorporate your nonprofit, but you suddenly hit a roadblock: you need to select a board. Or let’s say that your organization launched with a board comprised of friends, but their interest is fading as they discover how much is expected of them, and you’re […]

7 Things to Change About Your Online Fundraising in 2013

Forget personal New Year’s resolutions – those are rarely kept. This year, adopt organizational resolutions. (You’ll definitely keep those. They’re legally binding!) As you start out in 2013, here are seven things you can do to turbocharge your online fundraising. 1. Create your own branded donation page Having your own branded donation page or online […]

Tips on Nonprofit Content Strategy from David Hartstein

If your organization has a website, but you don’t know what content strategy is, this post is probably good for you to read. Content strategy is the way you go about telling your story as well as creating and publishing information (e.g. blog posts, etc.) on your website or through other related digital media. As […]

Case Study: Diavolo Dance Theater

“This is our first online fundraiser ever, and we’re already halfway to our goal!” -Matt Wells, Organizer Diavolo Dance Theater in Los Angeles is currently in the middle of a CauseVox campaign to support their dancers, and they’re already more than 50% of the way to their goal.  To date, they have raised over $9,000 […]

How to Include Humor in Your Fundraising Content

All right, first things first: this is not a post on how to be funny. (In fact, if you aren’t “funny,” you should stay that way. Unfunny people are the often the funniest of all, just not in the ways they want.) This is a post, however, about how to include more humor in your […]