Product Update: The All-New CauseVox Donation Form

A good donation form can do more than just take a donation. It can increase both your number of donors and the size of their donations.  More than half of donors worldwide prefer to give online with a credit or debit card, so your online donation page can’t just be an afterthought. And lately, recent […]

Product Update: The All-New CauseVox

Online Fundraising You And Your Supporters Will Love We’re excited to share CauseVox’s most powerful enhancement yet. Earlier this year we launched a refreshed mobile-optimized campaign template designed to ensure your supporters could see, support, and share your campaigns from anywhere on any device. In the latest release, we’ve taken that same level of attention […]

Preview: Mobile-Optimized Crowdfunding & Peer-to-Peer Campaigns

Fundraise Everywhere, On Any Device We’re excited to introduce our new mobile-optimized and responsive crowdfunding and peer-to-peer campaign sites. This update has been specifically designed with your donors in mind. These changes will provide a better experience for donors on all devices including tablets and mobile devices. Mobile-Optimized & Updated Navigation With our new campaign sites, your supporters will be able […]

New Feature: Donation Form & Donation Custom Fields

In the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing insights on donor engagement. Our Donor Engagement Strategy Playbook walks you through everything you need to know in order to engage and retain the donors to your fundraising campaigns. Whether it’s collecting more insight about your donors or streamlining your fundraising event’s processes, having the ability to […]

EarthRights International

Summary After years of fighting corporate human rights abuses in the courts, ERI decided that it was time to take their message out to the world. They set out to create a series of short films and training curricula that would give a voice to survivors of corporate human rights abuses and share information for […]

How Nonprofits Can Benefit From Cloud Technology

This week we have a guest from Charlotte Ritter is a technology analyst for TechnologyAdvice. She’s a pro at business intelligence, gamification, project management, and other emerging technology. Let’s see what she has to say about cloud technology for nonprofits. — Is your nonprofit addicted to spreadsheets? If you use them for everything from accounting, to contact management, […]

Product Update: Fundraising Site Listing Groups

You can create an unlimited number of fundraising sites through CauseVox. This is perfect if you have multiple regions, projects, or fundraising initiatives within your nonprofit. In this release, we enhanced how the Fundraising Site Listing works so you can better find and manage your CauseVox campaigns. New functionality includes: Create groups to organize fundraising […]

Product Update: Team Fundraising and Donation Receipts

Team Fundraising Pages Across CauseVox, campaigns that use our personal and team fundraising functionality raise twice as much as campaigns that don’t. To help increase that factor, we’ve released a major update to our team fundraising page functionality. All team fundraising pages now include a donate button, and donors can directly make a donation to […]

Data Visualization For Nonprofit Fundraising

Data visualization is turning information into imagery, making it hard to digest statistics and numerical figures into easy to swallow pictorial figures. Consider data visualization as the intersection of quantitative analysis and storytelling. Even if you didn’t know what exactly it was, you’ve already encountered data visualization. Anyone who spends any amount of time online […]