The Basic Concept of Web Colors

In our Page Editor, you can change colors using the on screen color palette. HEX codes of colors associated with your organization can be used, in lieu of the color palette, to give you more accurate color results. More accurate colors give the donor and supporters a better fundraising experience. But before we explain HEX codes, […]

New Editor – Now With Background Upload!

Last week, Erika Johansson invited us to give a demo at Purpose. It was really fun, and we ended up making a demo campaign for All Out in 10 minutes. Here is the result. You can see that the campaign site we whipped up looks pretty similar to the All Out website. One big thing […]

Good things happen in community

Beautiful things happen in community: passions ignite, ideas form, and better technology products develop.  Our mission is to create better technology for non-profits and many of you have given us valuable feedback on how we can make that happen.  We’ve built the platform’s user interfaces and page editors (simple tools to change the look/feel/branding of […]

Helping Non-Profits Control the Donor Experience

Donors and supporters are the lifeblood of every non-profit; they interact with you online through different channels, like your website, social media, and intermediaries (3rd party giving sites). These interactions are crucial in moving your donors and supporters towards richer engagement with your non-profit. At CauseVox, we’re irrationally obsessed in providing our non-profit partners with […]

CauseVox Goes Beta

What, I thought you guys were in already in beta?? Well, somewhat. Today marks the launch of our limited beta, which comes with a new website and an updated blog.  For the past few months we have been operating our pilot program with a handful or organizations. Here are a select few case studies. During […]

How Change for Kids raised over $145,000

Over the course of 30 days, CauseVox powered the online component of Change for Kids fundraising campaign. In total, their Bowl for Kids campaign raised over $145,000 in donations. These donations enable 1400 students in NYC to have literacy, arts, music programs, and more. This case study discusses how Change for Kids exceeded their campaign […]

Campaign Planning Matters – NYU Presentation

New York University offers a Masters in Science in Fundraising and Grantmaking. With core classes such as Theory of Fundraising, electives like Marketing for Non-Profits, and capstone projects, the curriculum is comprehensive. If fundraising for the non-profit sector interests you, consider learning more about the Heyman Center. Ruthellen Rubin leads a class on non-profit technology and invited CauseVox […]

How RestoreNYC raised over $130,000

Over the course of 40 days, CauseVox powered RestoreNYC’s (Restore) online fundraising campaign, which raised over $130,000. The funds enabled RestoreNYC to open a long-term safe-house for international survivors of sex trafficking. This case study discusses how Restore exceeded their campaign goal of $50,000 and key lessons learned. About RestoreNYC Faith Huckel, co-founder and current […]

How The Blind Project raised $20,000

In the summer of 2010, CauseVox launched a Pilot Program for select non-profits to use an early-stage version of its supporter-driven fundraising platform. As part of this program, a celebrity spokesman from The Blind Project created a fundraising page that led to over $20,000 in donations. This case study discusses the details of her fundraising […]

Freeset: In Business for Freedom

Over ten years ago, a Kiwi family – Kerry Hilton; his wife, Annie; and their four children – moved from New Zealand to Kolkata, India to live among and serve the poor.  They settled into an apartment in a seemingly innocuous part of the city; as Kerry walked through the streets at night, however, he […]