The modern world has allowed us to connect like never before. The Internet and social media have made it possible to reach people with any message you want to share. Everyone can now have an audience. However, you don’t just want any audience. You don’t want to be yet another voice in a loud and […]
4 Affordable And Easy Video Editing Applications
Videos are becoming an important part of online marketing, as they’re able to not only tell their audience a story, but show them. For this reason, videos can capture our interests and make us pay attention to the story being told. However, I’m sure we’ve all encountered a video that has quality issues, those issues […]
Design for Change USA
About Design for Change Design For Change is a curriculum and technology platform that builds character, capacity, and confidence by engaging young people in social change projects worldwide. Sanjili Gidwaney thought low-income areas of the US might respond positively to their programs, and decided to bring Design For Change to the US. Kids in Design […]
Anchor Church
Summary Early audience engagement helped the church jump-start their campaign. Within the first eight days of a thirty-day campaign, they had raised 75% of their goal. Using CauseVox as a visual representation of the campaign help to facilitate on-site donations. About Anchor Church Anchor Church was founded in 2012 and belongs to the Acts 29 […]
Bayshore Christian Ministries
About Bayshore Christian Ministries is a youth development organization. They strive to serve youth holistically by equipping them to grow spiritually, gain life skills and develop as leaders so they have hope in the future. Bayshore’s Bible Club program gives youth the opportunity to meet in various sites across the community as an after school […]
Charity Science
About Charity Science looks to use science for doing good. There are tons of studies out there about ‘what works’ and ‘what doesn’t’ as far as solving society’s most pressing issues. Charity Science translates this information into everyday language and then promotes nonprofits that are implementing evidence-based practices and cost-effective approaches to their work. In […]
Change for Kids
About Change for Kids works with elementary schools in some of New York’s most under-resourced neighborhoods. With the help of its generous community, Change for Kids makes sure classrooms are stocked with supplies; packs the school day with music, art, creative writing, and fitness opportunities; brings in mentors to boost students’ self-esteem and build long-term […]
Trinity Grace Church Crown Heights
About Trinity Grace Church (TGC) is a collection of neighborhood churches, or parishes, across New York City, each taking spiritual responsibility for its own neighborhood. Each city parish church is diverse in its essential nature, uniting women, men, and families from various cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds across the major metropolitan area. Challenges / Problem Many […]
The Adventure Project
Summary The Adventure Project, or TAP, organized a one-day fundraising campaign called TypeTAP to coincide with World Water Day, to fund a well water mechanics program in India, run by WaterAid. They exceeded their goal of raising $10,000 in 24 hours, and in doing made full use of a 10K matching grant through a partner […]
World Help
Summary The Crisis in the Horn campaign was organized by World Help. The ultimate goal was to raise $120,000 in order to send 20 containers of food to the Horn of Africa, providing 4.8 million meals to those in desperate need. A team of over 150 volunteers helped raise awareness and funds for the Crisis […]