Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Taro Radke

Yesterday we launched SXSW4Japan (SXSWcares) to rally the interactive community here to raise support for the Japan Tsunami Disaster. It’s amazing to see the Tweets, the posts, and the chatter all around this event. One of the fundraisers, Taro Radke, has blown away this fundraising effort. So far, he has raised over $1000 for disaster […]

Tips From A Website Guru

We presented on non-profit web and tech with Jenni Schwartz at NYU a while back. She brings a wealth of experience in website design and best practices. We often get questions about enhancing non-profit websites, so we asked her to share a few tips with you. Jenni is the owner of Jenni Schwartz Design LLC, […]

Distinct and Impressionable

Organizations are formed because of an idea — fight poverty, feed the hungry, advocate for human rights, or many other ideas. The visual design of your brand represents the idea behind your organization. It’s how your audience understands your organization. Generally, there are two elements that are important to visual branding – it has to […]

Why Donation Tiers Are Needed

Fundraising online lets you reach a broad audience in a cost effective manner, but it can become impersonal. Many times, effective fundraising is driven by relationships and personal ownership. One way we make online fundraising personal is through donation tiers. Why are these tiers needed? A couple of reasons: 1. It communicates the impact of […]

Your Brand Is More Than A Logo

A logo is just one part of your brand. At a general level, your brand is how your audience perceives and identifies you. Your brand is holistic; the mission, audience, and personality of your organization drive it. This foundation sets the course of your messaging platform (copywriting/storytelling) and visual identity. The visual identity includes the […]

Our Story

We’ve been dabbling with fundraising technology since 2007, and our trip to Uganda, a few years ago, was the catalyst for CauseVox. We served Action for Children (AFC), a Kampala-based NGO that serves children and families vulnerable due to HIV/AIDS and poverty, by providing pro bono marketing and IT support. Like a lot of pro […]

Insights from the Networked Non-Profit

The Networked Non-Profit, by Beth Kanter and Allison Fine, a book that every non-profit should read with their staff, presents concepts and case studies on how non-profits can use social media to drive change. In this post, we summarize and discuss a few of the most interesting ideas from the book. Free Agents The authors […]

Happy New Year!

It’s been a spectacular ride getting started. Since we’ve started, our platform has helped non-profits raise over $400,000. We’re grateful for your advice, feedback, and guidance throughout this past year. Without you, we couldn’t have made CauseVox what it is today. With the start of 2011, we’re rolling out some new things that we’d like […]

Branding Gets You More Donations

Network for Good and True Sense Marketing published an online giving study that looked at $381 million of donations that were processed through Network for Good’s processing platform. It’s an interesting read for anyone that works in the non-profit space. Here’s a summary of our top findings: 1. Branding is important because it helps you […]

Launch a Fundraising Campaign in 15 Minutes

Since donors donate more to an organization’s website, our goal is to make it really easy for non-profits to customize (like matching the look/feel of their website) and launch their digital fundraising campaign. Here’s an experiment we did within 15 minutes to set up a demo campaign. We based our experiment on the United Way […]