Thinking Through Campaign Strategy – Part I

“Who do we target?” “What is our message?” “How do we set our goals? What are our goals?” These are just a few of the strategy questions that go into the planning of an online fundraising campaign. Strategy guides the campaign, presents a holistic view of issues, and cultivates a specific direction for the campaign. […]

What is Supporter-Driven Fundraising?

Supporter-driven fundraising is a method of fundraising that enables a non-profit’s supporter to champion and raise funds on the non-profit’s behalf within each supporter’s personal networks. Synonyms include: peer-to-peer, distributed, and networked fundraising With supporter-driven fundraising. a non-profit’s support base is expanded past what is managed by the non-profit and into the new personal networks […]

Eat Your Own Dog Food

One of the perks of creating your own business is that you get to set all the rules. At CauseVox, we dedicate a portion of our time and resources towards pro bono work. I’m in Kolkata, India to help two NGOs build up their capacity and technology. But this trip couldn’t happen without the financial […]

FREE Technology Training

Technology is one of the areas that small/medium non-profits struggle with. One of the FREE upcoming programs of the Non-Profit Technology Network is a 9-week online training academy on technology. Attendees of the academy will be able to: Articulate the value of technology in their organization for themselves, funders, and other key stakeholders View technology […]

Strategy Tip: Coordination Basics

I love team building activities. My favorite, which we do every year, involves getting in teams and competing to build the tallest tower with spaghetti and marshmallows. The spaghetti is used to build height while the marshmallows are used as a glue to connect the spaghetti. The point of this activity is to discover how […]

Connect Better

endPoverty is an amazing non-profit in Washington D.C. that supports microfinance institutions abroad. Last year, through Synergy Ministries, I led a team in Uganda for a two-week pro-bono consulting project for one of endPoverty’s partners in Uganda.  Understanding our audience was one of the lessons our team learned to become more effective. We had spent […]

Strategy Tip: Spend Time in the Field

In 2007, our venture was called HelpSupport; we aimed to equip volunteers, activists and missionaries with web-based tools. We identified a problem (kinda) and started to crank out a tool, but we quickly ran into hurdles. Even after eight exhaustive months of development, a concept test, and full-time work on the project, the project quickly […]

Pilot Partner Program – Deadline Extended

We’re launching an exclusive Pilot Partner Program for ten non-profits to pilot the CauseVox platform. Take a look at the features and benefits of CauseVox, the characteristics of an ideal candidate, and apply by June 8, 2010. Please don’t hesitate to contact Rob at if you have any questions or concerns. Product Benefits Easily brand […]

The Reason Why

Knowing the passion and the motivation of a person helps you truly understand the character of that individual; the same goes for understanding organizations, which after all, are comprised of people. So, let’s talk about who we are, what drives us, and what our mission is. Who We Are The best teams are those with […]