WebP to JPG: How to Convert Images

In this guide to converting images from WebP to JPG, we’ll give you an overview of the WebP format and how to convert it to JPG using a Mac, Windows and Photoshop. You may not be familiar with WebP as it’s a website optimized file, but it’s simple to convert WebP to JPG in a […]

WebP to PNG: How to Convert Images

In this guide to converting images from a WebP file to a PNG file, we’ll give you an overview of the WebP format and how to convert WebP files to PNG files using a Mac, Windows, and Photoshop. Skip ahead with these quick links: What is WebP? WebP vs PNG How to download or save […]

How Catalogue For Philanthropy Raised Over $1.2 M With #GivingTuesday

As far as 2020 goes, your year may have felt like this:  While everyone else is ready for 2021, tis the season when fundraising ramps up, especially with #GivingTuesday around the corner.  To talk through some end-of-the-year strategies, we’re pleased to welcome Matt Gayer, the co-executive director for Catalogue for Philanthropy on our Nonprofit Leader […]

Customer Success Story: Fiver Children’s Foundation Talks #GivingTuesday, Year-End, And Fundraising During Covid

This year has been an unpredictable hot mess. For many nonprofits that have had to fundraise while minding social distancing protocols, it’s meant transitioning to a virtual format. While online fundraising isn’t a new concept, it’s now more necessary than ever.  Even pre-COVID, organizations like the Fiver Children’s Foundation, were already taking advantage of digital […]

Coronavirus Relief for Nonprofits

The world feels especially chaotic in 2020. Now more than ever, we have to stick together. We’ve seen firsthand that all nonprofits are struggling at this time. With the implications of the coronavirus and economic contraction in 2020, your already tight budget just got tighter. But, it’s also never been more important to have a […]

6 Reasons You Need A Monthly Giving Program

A few years ago, there were not many charities offering monthly giving. Other than child sponsorship, it was a relatively new concept for charities, and for donors as well.  Times are changing though. Monthly giving has now become an important part of many organization’s marketing strategies. As we respond to an aging donor base, the […]