The Ultimate 2024 Year-End & GivingTuesday Fundraising Toolkit

If you think Year-End and GivingTuesday are business as usual this year, think again.

Year-End has the potential for large returns, with 30% of annual charitable giving taking place in December alone – but what about the philanthropic challenges to contend with?

The Challenge

In 2023, charitable giving stagnated, and when adjusted for inflation, it decreased by about 2.1%. The era of easy, traditional fundraising is over — it’s time to change the game, and we’ve got the Year-End and GivingTuesday 2024 playbook you need!

The Solution

Embrace the donor-centric revolution. As you work to capture hearts and wallets, you’ll need to focus on the donor experience and differentiate yourself from the crowd.

We’ve created a comprehensive Year-End & GivingTuesday Fundraising Toolkit so you can plan your Year-End and GivingTuesday journey from start to finish.

Our Ultimate 2024 Year-End & GivingTuesday Fundraising Toolkit will help you:

  • Stand out and get noticed.
  • Define your unique mission and impact.
  • Set campaign goals and objectives.
  • Create a proven communications calendar.
  • Get people excited to rally for your cause.
  • Optimize your donation form to convert more donors.
  • Customize first-draft appeals and emails with our communications templates.

Discover what’s inside…

The 3-Part Year-End & GivingTuesday Fundraising Toolkit

  • The Comprehensive Year-End Fundraising Plan: Navigate the Year-End maze with expert insights and strategies that work. You’ll learn the importance of Year-End, get inspired with different campaign and marketing ideas, learn how to set goals, create a communications calendar, get donor matches, acquire more major donors, engage your community, create a donor experience that shines and more!
  • The Comprehensive GivingTuesday Campaign Plan: Use this step-by-step roadmap to success. Craft a campaign that’s not just noticed but cherished by your donors. You’ll learn how to craft a compelling story, fundraise using our proven GivingTuesday timeline and gain inspiration with our GivingTuesday campaign examples!
  • Free Marketing and Communications Templates: Start writing your Year-End and GivingTuesday appeals, emails, receipts and social media posts from a first draft, not from scratch! You can customize our communications templates and tailor them to your voice. Bonus: customizable social media graphics included!

Our Generous Partners

This free guide is made possible through our partners listed here. Big thanks for their dedication in equipping nonprofits for successful Year-End and GivingTuesday fundraising. Check them out below!

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