Why Blogs Are A Great Asset For Your Crowdfunding Campaign


Getting your point across in a concise and effective manner is crucial to the success of your crowdfunding campaign.

Facts, statistics, and mission statements are necessary for keeping your supporters educated and informed. But, sometimes that corporate-like approach can feel a little stiff, impersonal, and disengaging. Supporters can start to crave a more conversational, personal connection.

This is where your crowdfunding campaign’s blog comes into play. You may think of a blog as a completely unnecessary hassle. However, authoring a blog strictly for your campaign can be a huge asset in engaging supporters and collecting more donations.

Here are just a few of the ways that a blog can greatly benefit your crowdfunding campaign:

Give Your Campaign a Voice and Personality

Sure, the meat and potatoes of your crowdfunding campaign are important. You need to make sure you have your campaign summary and mission eloquently stated before you start promoting superfluous stories and information on your blog.

But, once those things are in place, a blog provides the opportunity to give your campaign a voice and bring some personality to your messaging. This conversational approach will be more inviting and engaging, which in turn will allow your supporters to feel more personally connected to your cause. And, if they feel connected, they’re more likely to donate and stay involved with your campaign for the long haul.

Stuck on figuring out what to write about? Check out how to write a blog post in 30 minutes.

Provide Added Value for Your Supporters

Your crowdfunding campaign has one main purpose: to collect donations. But, when you’re constantly broadcasting messages with that singular focus, you may start to sound a bit pushy or “salesy”.

This is another area where blogs can be extremely effective tools. They allow you to offer value to your supporters, rather than just consistently asking them to take action and support your cause.

Use your blog to share heartwarming stories related to your campaign, important updates, and industry knowledge that may benefit them. Not only will your supporters be engaged and well informed, they’ll also feel like they’re receiving more from you than just constant requests.

Don’t forget these other useful blogging tips when crafting your post!

Strengthen Your Relationships with Supporters

We’ve mentioned quite a few times that blogs are a great way to keep supporters connected to your campaign. But, what does that really mean?

Your blog not only gives you a platform to share relevant content, it also opens the doors to high quality relationships with your supporters.

With the comment features on blog posts, readers are able to leave feedback and questions regarding your content. Further, comments provide the opportunity for supporters to not only converse with each other, but also directly with you. These conversations will help your supporters feel like their voices are heard, and lead to increased connection and loyalty.

Tip: Make sure you thoughtfully reply to comments on your blog posts. This will show supporters that you’re actively engaged with them, and not just using the blog as another avenue to promote your campaign.

Improve Your SEO Strategy

Would you like more people to be aware of your campaign and the great work you’re doing? We thought so. But, how will these people find you? Anybody who knows enough to type your campaign directly into a search engine is already aware of your mission. So, how do you capture new visitors?

Blogs are key in driving new traffic to your campaign page. Your blog posts create another indexed page chock full of new key words for a search engine to pick up on, and they also send the message that your website is active.

Plus, creating quality, shareable blog content will encourage supporters to promote your posts, which improves your social media presence and the overall awareness of your campaign.

To sum it all up, blogs offer huge benefits for your crowdfunding campaign. Anything that gives your campaign a voice, provides added value, increases your exposure, and improves your relationships with supporters is definitely worth doing!

If you’re looking to start a blog specifically for your campaign, make sure to learn the basics of our CauseVox Crowdfunding Blog Tool.

If you’re looking to start a blog for your nonprofit, The First Site Guide provides you with various resources and tips to help you get started.

Now, start writing!

Photography by Gep Pascual.