Building High Impact Organizations: Creating Financial Sustainability for Social Enterprises and Nonprofits

Our friends at the Social Innovators Collective are organizing a couple of sessions in NYC specifically geared towards social enterprises, and startup/small nonprofits. This is a must attend course for those that want to learn more about financial sustainability and building their organization. — Are you finally ready to tackle the question of financial sustainability […]

The worst way to fundraise on Facebook

There are only two things you need to do to make Facebook not work for you for online fundraising. The first is writing a bad appeal. The second is spamming your friends. Let’s start with the bad appeal. Here’s an example of a bad appeal that we’ve found on a Facebook wall (it’s been scrubbed […]

Generosity comes from relationships

If people are not donating to you, that means you havent spent enough time building the goodwill of your community. Think about it. If I was your best friend, then I would give you $20 if you asked for it. No questions asked. We have a thing called trust, created through a relationship. If you […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Jill Benbow

Jill Benbow shares her digital fundraising techniques with us today. Read more on how she was able to raise more than $3500 for clean water. Tell us a little bit about who you are. I am a stay at home mom that does some contract grant writing for a couple of small organizations.  I live in […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Skyler Davis

The New England Nordic Ski Association (NENSA) just finished up their online fundraising campaign through CauseVox. In the end, they were able to raise over $50,000, beating their original goal of $25,000. Skyler Davis, the youngest member of the US Ski Team and a supporter of NENSA, raised over $1,300 and generated more than 175 […]

Nonprofit Storytelling Round-Up

Stories have the unique power to inspire feeling, connection, and action. They capture the hearts and minds of your audience in unimaginable ways. We use stories everyday — in our conversations with donors, in our mailings, and even our Tweets. Because storytelling is so important for online fundraising, we’ve rounded up a few recent articles […]

5 Fundraising Tips for Team Fundraising Leaders

We recently published the 7 Habits of Effective Personal Fundraisers, a free eBook that helps your supporters fundraise better. It’s gotten raving reviews from readers. One of the readers, Emily Rotella, asked if we were going to write one up for team leaders in group fundraising. After finding out she has a wealth of experience […]

Mini-Case: Runa Raises $5,000 for Education Scholarships

About Fundación Runa? Fundación Runa provides tools and resources to indigenous communities and farmers’ associations working towards their vision of sustainable development in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Runa focuses on three core areas: social empowerment, community development, and environmental management. Campaign Techniques Runa sought to raise $5000 to send two indigenous leaders, Ernesto Huatatoca and Patricio […]