How to Get Started in Storytelling for Fundraising – Cara Jones Interview

I firmly believe that strong storytelling leads to more donations. Storytelling is the substance that fundraisers need to use to be more effective online fundraisers. Because of that, we interviewed Cara Jones, Founder at Storytellers for Good and an Emmy Award recipient. She shares her expert advice in how non-profits can use storytelling for fundraising, […]

Supporters can be valued by their social capital and passion

For the past few weeks, we’ve been putting together a study of the habits of successful personal fundraisers from within our online fundraising platform. The interesting thing, aside from those habits, is that there are two characteristics that come up again and again with successful personal fundraisers. I hypothesize that the two characteristics are social […]

Raising Money Over the Internet – Foundation Center Panel

Want to learn what it takes to launch and manage a successful online fundraising campaign? Join us on July 13th at the Foundation Center! We’re part of a panel with NYCharities, FirstGiving, and the Louis August Jonas Foundation. Register for FREE. Below is the panel description. Many nonprofits are finding that online fundraising has become […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Albert Zhou

I met Albert last year during an annual Synergy Ministries training weekend. He was part of an elite consulting team that went to Ghana to help an NGO over there solve the community’s social problems more effectively. This year, Albert’s going to an NGO in Kolkata India to enhance their startup micro-finance. He has to […]

Non-Profit Resource Guide – Online Fundraising Platform Setup

We’ve been looking at all the non-profits using our online fundraising software and figuring out what makes nonprofits super successful vs moderately successful. One of the things that came up from this study is that the super successful non-profits always completed the setup process in our platform. To help other non-profits get better at it, […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Jody Landers

Jody Landers is one of the founders of The Adventure Project, that recently raised over $23,000 in 24 hours. She’s here to share with us a little bit about her fundraising experience. Read more of her valuable online fundraising tips below. Tell us a little bit about who you are. I’m a 32 year old […]

Unleash your nonprofit’s fundraising potential

We recently sat down with PR expert Shonali Burke at the Non-Profit 2.0 Conference in DC. Her mantra on telling stories and community building really resonated with our thesis on fundraising. She asked us for tips on how to run better fundraising campaigns and here’s an excerpt from her article. Check out the full version […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Cheryl Knopp

This week, Cheryl Knopp from Liquidnet shares her fundraising tips and techniques for her Race4Rwanda campaign. So far, she’s raised over $1500 and still has over a month remaining to fundraise. It’ll be exciting to see the impact that she’ll have by the end of the campaign. Tell us a little bit about who you […]

How Camp Rising Sun has raised $15,000 for youth development

“The future of fundraising rests in peer to peer engagement. Causevox offers an essential tool that is easy to use and affordable.” – Ruthellen Rubin, Camp Rising Sun Camp Rising Sun integrated CauseVox into their fundraising strategy and launched a multi-pronged, online fundraising effort to raise money for their cause. Camp Rising Sun strives to […]

Getting Your Community to Show Up to Your Fundraising Campaign

Running an online fundraising campaign is like participating in a football game — you want your team (support base) to show up. When your supporters don’t show up, then you’re not going to get the fundraising results that you want. What’s the best to make sure your supporters show up? Ask them. Remind them. Reward […]