Startup Nonprofits Are Getting Technology Wrong

To all startup nonprofits, stop wasting your donor’s funds. You’re not spending time and money on the right things when it comes to technology. We’ve seen non-profits waste thousands of dollars on a web developer, adopt overpriced donor management systems, pay for phone lines, and much more. It’s upsetting because so much time and resources […]

How The Adventure Project Raised Over $23,000 In One Day

“Raising $10K in a single day would’ve been impossible without CauseVox.” – Becky Straw, The Adventure Project This case study discusses how a six-month-old non-profit start-up, The Adventure Project (TAP), raised over $23,000 in a single day through their TypeTap campaign site. In addition, their campaign strategy, techniques, results, and lessons learned are discussed in […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with HUGE

HUGE is a full-service interactive agency that specializes in building digitally-driven businesses. They rallied their own company’s community to raise over $12,000 for Japan. Read their story and fundraising tips. Tell us a little bit about who you are. My name is Claudia Chow, I am a Creative Director at HUGE. Why did you decide […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Embedding a Flickr Photo

Fundraising is the most effective when it’s personal. One way to make it personal is to embed photos onto your personal fundraising pages. Here’s an example: Here’s how you do it: 1. Go to Flickr and upload your photo. Make sure it’s set as public. 2. Click on the photo you want to embed in […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Meniscus Magazine

Running your own fundraising page can be difficult. Yuan-Kwan, a fundraiser for SXSWcares, describes how they leverage social media, email marketing, and their magazine’s support base to raise awareness and support for disaster relief. Check out their website and the interview below. Tell us a little bit about who you are. My name is Yuan-Kwan […]

4 Tools to Understand Supporters

Understanding your support base is one of the three foundations of a successful digital campaign. We talk about this strategy framework in a previous post. The most effective fundraising is based on relationships. Understanding supporters is building relationships. It gives you insight into why they love your non-profit, what draws them in, and how to […]

Three Types of Effective Campaign Communication

How do successful fundraising campaigns communicate? What makes them effective and fundraising or not effective? After examining fundraising campaigns that have been successful, we’ve developed three categories of communication that they use: 1. Updates – This is commonly in the form of mass communication to your support base — usually email newsletters and blog posts. […]

Fundraising Page Tip: Interview with Rob Bradlee

The New England Nordic Ski Association (NENSA) is the Olympic development organization for cross-country skiing in New England as well as the umbrella for most organized Nordic skiing events in the region. They launched a fundraising campaign not too long ago. One of their fundraisers, Rob Bradlee, has raised $3100 by making the campaign personal. […]

The Best Trial Period Ever.

Getting started with online fundraising can be difficult and confusing. We’ve heard from many of you that were waiting to set up your fundraising campaigns to fit within our 30 day trial period. Some organizations were even creating multiple accounts to extend their trial — very clever. You’ll be glad to hear that we’ve replaced […]

Fundraising Tip: Crafting a Compelling Story

I remember growing up and listening to the stories my grandparents would tell me about the China Civil War. They would talk about fighting in the war, taking care of the wounded, and eventually escaping to Taiwan. Their stories would capture my attention completely. Stories are narratives that help us understand events, culture, and morals. […]