[Register Now] Intensive: Master Your #GivingTuesday Fundraising

In 2019, organizations worldwide raised over $511 million online on GivingTuesday, continuing its record of consistent growth every year.  And, here at CauseVox, our goal is to help you raise more during #GivingTuesday with less effort. With #GivingTuesday coming up on December 1st this year, we know you’re working on a short timeline to make […]

13 Top Virtual Fundraising Examples

2020 has, without competition, taken the title of the Year of Virtual Fundraising. Nonprofits are getting wildly creative with moving their fundraising online, and the results have been amazing. We’ve been sharing some of our favorite virtual fundraising ideas with you, but we know it’s helpful to see real virtual fundraising examples that have been […]

Use Donor Stewardship To Fuel End-of-Year Fundraising

“Donor retention” is something everyone in the nonprofit world is familiar with. In fact, retention is what guides a good portion of our donor-to-nonprofit touchpoints. So, what about donor stewardship? Almost everything we do and say to recruit a donor and encourage them to stick around circles back to donor retention.  Digital Fundraising is a […]

[Class On-Demand] Intensive: Getting Started With Individual Giving

Did you have any major funding fall through this year? It leaves you with a pit in your stomach, thinking, “How am I going to make up for all those lost funds?” But there is a way forward! You can start by building your individual giving program at your nonprofit. Individual giving is both intriguing […]