Help Your Donors Donate in Honor of Someone: Tribute Donations

As fundraisers, we understand how important it is to connect with donors and maximize the impact of their contributions. That’s why adding a tribute donation option to your donation page is a small thing that can make a big difference. In this article, we will explore the benefits of incorporating a tribute donation feature to […]

How to Build an Effective Personal Fundraising Page

Are you ready to make a meaningful impact and inspire others to join your cause? Whether you’re running a marathon to raise money for mental health or you are a nonprofit considering hosting a peer-to-peer birthday fundraiser, building an effective personal fundraising page is the first step towards creating positive change in the world. At […]

How to Use CauseVox for Fraternity and Sorority Fundraisers

Planning fraternity or sorority fundraisers can feel like a major undertaking, especially when you throw classes, work, and busy schedules into the mix.  Luckily, we live in a digital age where using the right fundraising platform can make a world of difference. In this article, we’re here to help you navigate the world of sorority […]

Artificial Intelligence for Nonprofits: Your List of AI Tools to Use for Good

It’s truly amazing to see how fast artificial intelligence (AI) has evolved and transformed various industries, including the nonprofit sector. As a nonprofit professional, you’ll be thrilled to know that AI is your new secret weapon for elevating your operations, fundraising, and outreach efforts. Say goodbye to tedious tasks and hello to what really matters […]

ChatGPT for Nonprofits: How to Leverage Artificial Intelligence

Do you wish you had a round-the-clock assistant that could handle repetitive tasks or help draft fundraising appeals, freeing up time to focus on more pressing tasks? Well, there’s a solution. I’m referring to ChatGPT, a revolutionary language model developed by OpenAI that’s changing the game in every industry. Since its launch in November 2022, […]

How to Write a Fundraising Letter

What inspires people to donate their hard-earned money to a stranger’s cause? And how do these people choose which of the thousands of noble causes to donate their limited resources to? It all starts with a fundraising letter. What is a Fundraising Letter? A fundraising letter is your first impression and most important chance to […]