The Year-End Guilt Crisis – And How To Squash It

Guest Post by Allison White, Vice President Graham-Pelton Consulting, Inc. The end of the year approaches and like clockwork, so many organizations and fundraisers throw out the strategic, thoughtful approach they embrace the rest of the year. In its place arrives a hurried pace, an overflowing calendar, and worst of all….a feeling of guilt. The […]

Are You Fundraising The Wrong Way?

If you’re like most charities and nonprofits out there, you are facing two challenges when it comes to online fundraising. Reaching supporters online Convincing them to donate You may be tackling these challenges a number of ways, such as through social media or amping up your email newsletter distribution. And while these are great, proven […]

Julia Reich On Identifying Ideal Donor Personas & Why They Matter

What are ideal donor personas? On this episode we talk with Julia Reich, founder of Stone Soup Creative, about how a nonprofit can identify and craft their ideal supporter personas and how these profiles then influence your fundraising messages. Julia is a branding consultant for nonprofits, strategist, speaker, designer and writer. She works with nonprofits and […]

How To Incorporate P2P Fundraising Into Year-End Fundraising Campaigns (+ 3 Nonprofit Examples)

Over the last 6 years, we’ve witnessed thousands of peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns here at CauseVox. And one thing’s for sure, the popularity of this fundraising technique is still growing. In fact, over ⅓ of donations collected online in 2014 were a result of peer-to-peer fundraising. As you finalize your year-end fundraising calendar, consider adding peer-to-peer […]

Pinterest Ads for Nonprofits (The Basics)

Many nonprofits out there are using Pinterest to advertise their cause. If your target donor audience uses Pinterest (hint: they probably do!), you may want to consider using Pinterest ads. What Is Pinterest? Pinterest is a website that uses ‘pinnable’ (shareable) photos and videos that encourage users to perform an action. Popular Pinterest picture categories […]