Nonprofits today rely on more than just traditional fundraising techniques to raise much-needed funds. Technology has truly brought about some fantastic options for fundraising. Yes, bulk mailings, in-person special events, and face-to-face donor cultivation are still important and highly likely to bring in a consistent stream of donations year after year. However, fundraising is not […]
Mission Trip Fundraising: How To Successfully Raise Funds From Your Community
With so many worthy causes out there, determining a specific project and destination for your mission trip isn’t the problem. Instead, it’s footing the bill that can bring up a few more issues. A mission trip is one of those common words that gets thrown around a lot, without a clear understanding of what exactly […]
5 Unique Activity-Based Peer-to-Peer Fundraising Events
If you are a nonprofit, you are probably working with minimal resources, time constraints, and a limited reach. You need funds, but the idea of running a traditional giving campaign via bulk mail may seem expensive, time-consuming, and will likely eat up one-too-many work hours. The solution for you just may be peer-to-peer fundraising events. […]
How To Use Crowdfunding For Nonprofits
Whether you are perusing CauseVox’s blog because you are a startup nonprofit looking to earn some initial investments, or a large and established nonprofit interested in diversifying your income stream, chances are have probably tossed around the idea of using crowdfunding. Crowdfunding is a great way for organizations of every size, structure, and mission to […]
5 Sites To Find Free Stock Photos
When it comes to fundraising for your nonprofit, we talk a lot about the use of powerful images to tell your story. Oftentimes, images are capable of evoking emotion even more than the written word. So, including photos with your campaign materials is undoubtedly crucial. However, let’s be honest. Not all of us are expert […]
Google Changes And What They Mean For Your Search Ranking
Search giant Google updates its algorithms hundreds of times a year to improve search for its millions of users. Keeping up with the latest upgrades might seem impossible, but all you need to know is this: now, more than ever, it’s crucial to develop and publish timely, quality content that is relevant, fact-based, and easy […]
EarthRights International
Summary After years of fighting corporate human rights abuses in the courts, ERI decided that it was time to take their message out to the world. They set out to create a series of short films and training curricula that would give a voice to survivors of corporate human rights abuses and share information for […]
6 Steps To Creating An Email Nurturing Campaign
You’ve decided that you want to reach out to engage current and potential donors for your upcoming campaign via email. Great! Email is a simple and effective way to introduce your cause, encourage donations, and get donors thinking about further engagement with your organization. So, where do you start? You are likely ready to jump […]
What You Can Learn About Crowdfunding From Large Nonprofits
United Way, Salvation Army, The American Cancer Society: What do all of these nonprofits have in common? Aside from recognizable brands and worldwide reach, they all use similar techniques to raise funds and stay in the forefront of donor’s minds. The public has a general idea about the vision and budgets of these organizations. You’ll […]
What Is Three-Tiered Crowdfunding?
If you’re exploring using crowdfunding to support your nonprofit or cause for the first time, it might be overwhelming when you look at examples of all the different ways it can be executed – from campaigns that are based on events, hundreds or thousands of people fundraising on their own, to incentives and rewards and […]