How Crowdfunding Supports Women-led Nonprofits

If you work in a nonprofit, chances are you are a woman or are led by one. Women make up 45 percent of nonprofit CEOs, and 73 percent of overall workers, but only 21 percent of nonprofits with budgets over $25 million are led by women. This suggests that most smaller nonprofits, those most in […]

Movers & Shakers: Sanjli Gidwaney with Design for Change

Once you know other possibilities are out there, you can’t un-know it and often this happens by traveling abroad. Sanjli Gidwaney, the founder of the US chapter of Design for Change, has seen this firsthand by taking a group of students abroad last year. This year she needed to crowdfund again, except she decided to […]

5 Social Media Strategies to Reach Your Target Audience

While crowdfunding gives you access to a much wider audience for spreading your message and connecting with potential supporters, it can also put you at risk of diluting your message. With access to so many people, you need to make sure that you are spending your time wisely and getting in front of the most […]

Overcoming the Overhead Myth with Crowdfunding

Modern nonprofits don’t operate like the charities of old. They blend attributes of social enterprises, educational institutions, microfinance banks, and volunteer organizations. While these non-traditional models are having bigger and more lasting impacts, it means that these nonprofits have unusual organizational structures and often a higher proportion of funds going to overhead, a four-letter word […]

What happens after #GivingTuesday?

You can breathe now – the third annual #GivingTuesday has come and gone. We were so excited to see how many of our users chose to participate in the annual day of giving back. Compared to last year, the total raised for #GivingTuesday increased by 15x on CauseVox. We had hundreds of #GivingTuesday campaigns running. […]

Movers & Shakers: Xio from Charity Science

Xio Kikauka, Co-founder and Executive Director of Charity Science, an organization focused on looking into science for good, thought fundraising would ruin her connections with people. However, this is not how her story ends. During her fundraising campaign, she tested this idea that claims ‘if you ask for money you will ruin your friendships’ and […]

Final Countdown to #GivingTuesday

We’re just a day away from the third annual #GivingTuesday; it’s time to do a status check. With Thanksgiving this week, time is getting tight to put the final pieces into place for the 24-hour giving holiday on December 2. Hopefully, you’ve been able to make use of the CauseVox GivingTuesday Resource Center to help your organization […]

Storytelling For Your #GivingTuesday Campaign

Read the title of this post again. You may be thinking, “It’s a 24-hour fundraising challenge. How can storytelling be the most important part?” Trust us – and let us explain. Each year, the #GivingTuesday movement shines a light on thousands of nonprofits doing good in their communities and around the world, in the middle of […]