How Daniel Perrett Raised $20,000 For Chab Dai

Who are you and what is your campaign? As a recent McGill university graduate I came up with the crazy idea ride my bicycle from Montreal to Vancouver–thats about 5000 km/3000 miles. Over the past year I have been exposed to the reality of human trafficking in Canada and I decided that I wanted to […]

New Guide: How to Plan for a Successful #GivingTuesday Campaign

#GivingTuesday is a one-day annual movement focused just on charitable giving. In the two years since #GivingTuesday was launched, the campaign has engaged more than 10,000 organizations around the world, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars. In 2013, collective reporting showed a 90% increase in online giving compared to 2012 and a 270% increase in giving on […]

Gearing Up for #GivingTuesday

We can hardly believe it, but yes, fall is essentially here (at least in terms of football, pumpkin spice lattes, and back-to-school), and that means the holiday season isn’t too far away either. Does your nonprofit already have a holiday giving campaign plan, or are you holding onto those last few weeks of summer? In […]

4 Traits To Look For In a Fundraising Professional

You’ve decided it’s time to hire your first fundraising professional (yay!). Fundraising can be complicated work and requires a specialized skill-set. Not only do fundraising professionals need to be good at research, but they need to be excellent at schmoozing and strategic thinking. That’s a lot to ask of one person, which is why many […]

3 Lessons on Fundraising from J.D. Rockefeller

Before Rockefeller, wealthy philanthropists gave haphazardly to pet causes and rarely concerned themselves with the results of their giving. J.D. Rockefeller, on the other hand,  was obsessed with measurable results and accountability. He created the modern institution of philanthropy, but he also set the standard for the modern donor. Working in a nonprofit, you probably […]

Two Killer Methods To Tell a Social Impact Story

The social impact story you tell in your CauseVox crowdfunding video is critical–both for success in raising the most funds, but also in the message you are sending about your cause. An unfortunate trend in social impact storytelling is something known as “poverty porn.” You know it when you see it–the sad music, dehumanizing photos, […]

Art Stream Raises $15,000 to Promote the Arts

Who are you? ArtStream, Inc. is non-profit based in Greater Washington DC. We bring the arts to people who are traditionally underserved. We believe that the transformative power of the arts should be available to everyone, regardless of disability or life-circumstances. What is your campaign? What are you fundraising for? Our campaign is “9 Reasons […]

CauseVox Feature Focus: Impact Metric

We hope you’ve been enjoying our CauseVox Feature Focus series so far, where we share insights and updates about some of our community’s favorite features. If you haven’t had a chance yet, read about our Site Editor and Blog Tool. This week we’re focusing on the CauseVox Impact Metric. CauseVox Impact Metric This little tool […]

How to Convert Donors Into Longtime Supporters

You’ve launched your nonprofit crowdfunding campaign, and the donations are rolling in. Congrats! But how do you convert those one-time givers into longtime supporters and advocates of your mission when the campaign comes to a close? And why should you care? Your work doesn’t end when the nonprofit crowdfunding campaign ends—that’s when the hard part […]

How To Write A Call To Action For Your Online Fundraising Campaign

What do online fundraising campaigns live and die by? It’s not their supporters. It’s not their timing. It’s their call to action. A call to action is a specific, defined, and measurable action, such as making a donation or sharing your fundraising site on Facebook. I’ve seen nonprofits spend months on creating the perfectly designed […]