How the Jubilee Project raised $40,000 in one month

“It was all really seamless …”  Jason Lee, Co-Founder of The Jubilee Project Recently the trio behind The Jubilee Project, a non-profit that creates videos for good causes, raised over $40,000 for their “End of AIDS” video using CauseVox.  Here’s how they did it: Simple page setup According to Jubilee, setting up a CauseVox page […]

6 Techniques to fundraise like a political candidate

Politicians are masters of virtual fundraising. This election season (and beyond), take a page from their playbook and leverage their techniques to do some good! Here are a few of our favorites: Build regional communities.  Not everything has to come down from up high.  That is, not all fundraising efforts have to originate in the […]

8 Principles For Writing A Nonprofit Press Release

The goal of a nonprofit press release is to help a journalist to write a story on your event, online fundraising campaign, or a breakthrough impact story. This helps you raise awareness in a broad audience. In addition, when posted online or published to a wire service, a press release can boost your SEO through […]

Using Emotion in Storytelling

Let’s run through an example of compelling storytelling. Say your organization is focused on helping keep at-risk youths out of gangs. Which is more compelling? “We help keep at-risk kids out of gangs.” Or – “Jason just started his first semester at the University of Alabama on a full scholarship. If you’d known Jason five […]

Six Social Media Tools for Online Fundraising

Don’t be sloppy about using social media. Each Tweet, Facebook update, and blog post should reflect a broader, cohesive narrative about what you do and why it’s important. But juggling all of them may seem overwhelming. Here are six of our favorite social media tools to help you organize, save time, and craft a strategic […]

6 Tips for Social Fundraising

We’re heading into the prime season for fundraising! As you’re planning your fundraising campaign, here are six quick tips to help you succeed. Prepare your staff. Even though your event is online, it is crucial that the team members involved have the knowledge and adequate training to participate in the effort. Teamwork and communication are […]

4 Tips For Nonprofit Video Storytelling

Storytelling engages your audience and fosters a connection that is more likely to lead to them contributing to your cause. Using video to tell your story, especially for online fundraising, is increasingly popular and easy to do. Read our beginner’s guide to learn the basics of nonprofit video storytelling and how to use video to drive […]

4 Ways to Use Email for Online Fundraising

Ever since social media became mainstream, its older brother (email) has fallen to the wayside. Nobody thinks email is cool anymore. It has become ubiquitous and boring. But…there’s beauty in boring. Because everyone uses email, it is one of the most efficient communication tools today. According to one poll, about 40% of people surveyed thought […]

6 Tips in Using Twitter in Social Fundraising

There’s more to using social media in virtual fundraising than simply tweeting 140 characters. Here are a few tips to help you use social media for your nonprofit today. Build your followers list.  One of the best ways to do this is to go out and follow people who are related to your cause.  They […]

4 ways to show stewardship on your website

When we think about stewardship, the first things that often come to mind are financial transparency or donor appreciation. Stewardship goes deeper than that, though. To communicate stewardship, your organization must express a clear sense of mission and how you are using your resources to reach that mission. In an article at the Nonprofit Times, […]