Charity Science


Charity Science looks to use science for doing good. There are tons of studies out there about ‘what works’ and ‘what doesn’t’ as far as solving society’s most pressing issues. Charity Science translates this information into everyday language and then promotes nonprofits that are implementing evidence-based practices and cost-effective approaches to their work. In a nutshell, Charity Science encourages evidence-based giving.

The organization uses peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns to promote awareness of the organization’s work and the nonprofits they financially support.

Challenges / Problem

Charity Science educates the community about the most effective and transparent nonprofits. Awareness and funds are essential in their work- as they use them to provide funding to nonprofits that meet their high standards. However, fundraising is often difficult for an organization that doesn’t offer direct services. In Charity Science’s situation, they wanted to explore if peer-to-peer fundraising would give them the visibility needed to both educate and encourage donations.

How CauseVox Helped

Charity Science used CauseVox to create a customized and centralized campaign website that provided information on the organization, funding needs, and the option to create a personal fundraising page. They stressed creating these personal pages in order to add a personal story and appeal to friends and family of current donors through social sharing.

Charity Science utilized CauseVox’s Impact Metric. This automatic counter highlights the direct impact of the donations received in real time. In Charity Science’s case, they were able to show exactly how many people were helped as donations came in, which encouraged donors that the money they give directly contributes to an impact.

CauseVox also helped Charity Science get their campaign set up and going without a large financial investment, as CauseVox doesn’t charge any monthly fees until the campaign reaches $5,000 raised online.

Their Results

Charity Science blew past an initial goal of $10,000 to reach over $12,000 during the campaign window. One key to their success was securing a match for each donation received. Instead of waiting until the end of the campaign to match the total, the match was updated as soon as a donation was made. This increased excitement and made an immediate impact on personal fundraising pages.

By focusing on personal fundraising pages, donation matches, and the popular impact metric, Charity Science exceeded their own expectations and concluded a highly successful campaign.