Chicago TechWeek – Crowdfunding Panel


We were invited to take part in a crowdfunding panel this past weekend for TechWeek in Chicago. It’s interesting to see that fundraising concepts apply to both in the for-profit and non-profit world. Here’s a break down of my top three take-aways from the session.

  1. For the majority of crowdfunding campaigns, you will be relying on people in the 2nd and 3rd degree to pledge or donate to you. There are outliers that happen that get major press and media, but those are very rare.
  2. Money doesn’t magically flow to you when you put up a crowdfunding page. You have to work hard to get people’s attention and you have to tell a compelling story that gets people to fund you.
  3. Email is by far the best way to convert people to donations. Social media is a good for awareness building.