CauseVox Feature Focus: Crowdfunding Blog Tool


Our customers love the CauseVox platform, so we’re going to start a series on some of their favorite features. You’ll learn quick tips and get sneak peeks at future updates, and there’s something for everyone — long-time customers, new organizations just getting started, and prospective users.

We’ll be covering a variety of topics in the coming months, but if there’s something, in particular, you’d like to learn more about, drop us a note in the comments, to our email at or on Twitter @CauseVox.

This week, we’re focusing on the CauesVox Blog Tool.


CauseVox Blog Tool

The CauseVox Blog Tool is not meant to replace your organization’s blog, but it is a powerful option to use storytelling to drive traffic and donations to your campaign site. Currently, 61% of CauseVox campaigns are actively raising funds using the Blog Tool.


(Editing a post in CauseVox)

  • CauseVox data shows that each original blog post is associated with an average of $109 in donations.
  • The WYSIWYG editor lets you bold text and use hyperlinks, or embed videos and upload photos. We also provide an HTML editor for code-savvy users. It’s just like writing a blog post on WordPress or Tumblr.
  • Social share tools are integrated within your blog post so you can reach more donors and maximize engagement.

Learn more about CauseVox’s blogging and content tools here.

Once you’ve become comfortable with our blogging tool here are some resources to help you start creating content your supporters will love!

Got a question not answered here? Let us know in the comments or contact us by email at In the meantime, keep checking for the next installment!