Monday Mixtape 006: Fundraising Mentorship – Take Chances, Make Mistakes, & Get Messy

Monday Mixtape 006: Fundraising Mentorship – Take Chances, Make Mistakes, & Get Messy

Here’s your Monday Mixtape, a weekly newsletter from CauseVox designed to jumpstart your week, challenge your thinking, and inspire you to keep at it.

Each week, we’ll hand-pick must-read articles, thinking, resources, and stories for nonprofit fundraisers and leaders and drop it in your inbox. Have suggestions or questions? Let us know at Enjoy this week’s Mixtape!

You know who I think would be an excellent fundraising professional?

Miss Frizzle.

That’s right, Miss Frizzle, the wacky teacher from Scholastic’s books and television show, The Magic School Bus.


Think about it. Miss Frizzle is a storyteller, an event planner, and an educator.

She gets people excited about intestines! She takes people inside complex issues, helps them build a personal connection, and inspires them to learn more and take action. I bet she could run one heck of a fundraising campaign.

This week, I’ve hand-picked posts and resources to help you “take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!”

Here’s the Week’s Mix:

“Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!”  —Miss Frizzle

Track #1: The Most Important Online Fundraising Lessons from 1000 Experiments, by Nathan Hill at NextAfter

Ms. Frizzle could take you inside a donor’s brain so you could watch as they make decisions and relate to nonprofits. Nathan does almost the same thing, as he reports the findings from NextAfter’s 1,000 experiments on donor behavior.

Track #2: [Video Debate] Facebook Tools for Nonprofits Pros & Cons with Julie Campbell & Noah Barnett

In the last 12 months, Facebook has launched an array of new tools for nonprofits. This includes a better donations tool, groups, events, and peer-to-peer fundraisers. Additionally, Facebook has made three major shifts to how it prioritizes content in the News Feed. All these changes can be tough to keep up with.

What should your nonprofit do? Should you use these tools?

Last week, Julie Campbell and Noah Barnett took a cue from Ms. Frizzle and decided to get down in the mess of Facebook Fundraising tools and debate the pros and con. The debate is packed full of insights and something, I think Ms. Frizzle would be proud of 😉

Weekly Wow: Pensacola Habitat For Humanity Women Build

An A+ this week to the 140 personal fundraisers of Pensacola Habitat For Humanity’s Women Build, who raised $84,606.03 in their 2017 Campaign!

Learn more about how they’ve exceeded their fundraising goals two years in a row.

Track #3: Art vs. Science in Fundraising?  by Zach Shefska at Fundraising Report Card

Seatbelts, everyone! Here’s a thoughtful and thorough look at the age-old question: is fundraising a science or an art? Zach makes the case for evidence-based fundraising. WAHOO!

Track #4: Why I Care About Your Cause, But Don’t Donate, by Otis Fulton and Katrina VanHuss

Why don’t donors give to causes that impact their own lives? It’s all about psychology. This personal account of not-giving is definitely not a normal field trip, and I think you’ll like it.

Bonus Tracks

A soundtrack while you take chances …

A collection of talks to inspire you to keep making mistakes …

A word from Seth Godin that will push you to get messy …

Thanks for reading!

– Megan

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P.S. Questions about this week’s mix? Suggestions for next week? Don’t leave me in the dark. Let me know by emailing me at