How the Jubilee Project raised $40,000 in one month

“It was all really seamless …”  Jason Lee, Co-Founder of The Jubilee Project

Recently the trio behind The Jubilee Project, a non-profit that creates videos for good causes, raised over $40,000 for their “End of AIDS” video using CauseVox.  Here’s how they did it:

Simple page setup
According to Jubilee, setting up a CauseVox page for Jubilee’s “End of AIDS” campaign took less than an hour – and that includes some content creation!  By telling a straightforward story and including simple graphics, Jubilee had a page up and ready for sharing on CauseVox, with an integrated video, as soon as they were ready to start their campaign.

Jubilee Project CauseVox Fundraising Site

No Problemo
Jubilee tells us the campaign rolled along very smoothly.  We had to press them for an issue, but the only one reported was that a few donations took PayPal a couple times to go through.  If those are your only tech issues, you’re having a very good day.  Otherwise, Jubilee worked hard and watched on pins and needles as the progress bar crept toward the goal.

Supporters were able to leave comments at CauseVox, and the community flowed through to Facebook and beyond.  As Jubilee tracked progress, daily digest updates kept the team’s finger on the pulse of the campaign.  Once Jubilee reached its goal, the team was able to download a list of supporter emails to ensure that everyone was properly thanked at the end of the day.

Jubilee Project Facebook Page

Now their only problem is that they’re fully funded and they have to make good on their campaign promises.

Around here, we call that a “good problem.”