Product Update: CauseVox Automated Matching

Ever wished your donations could go even further? Enter automated matching—an indispensable tool that transforms the way your organization secures support for its cause. 

Research from the CauseVox Giving Study reveals a notable trend: a majority of donors, about 64%, prefer automated giving, with a particularly strong desire among high earners, reaching 81%. Automated matching caters to donor preferences by offering an automated and personalized donor experience that showcases multiplied impact. 

You can now effortlessly incorporate matching gift opportunities into any fundraising campaign with CauseVox Automated Matching. From communicating the match to donors to visualizing their impact, the entire process is in real-time and streamlined, reducing admin work. Automated Matching encourages greater generosity by providing a clear and transparent way for donors to give and see the impact of their contributions in real time.

How Automated Matching Works

Compelling match opportunities motivate individual donors to contribute and amplify their impact. By doubling the value of donations, automated matching incentivizes donors to give more generously and creates a sense of urgency around giving. Additionally, matching attracts new donors, fosters a sense of collective impact, and ultimately drives greater support for your organization.

CauseVox Automated Matching Sponsor Notification

CauseVox Automated Matching works by showcasing the match directly on the donation form, and displaying the match gift on the donor listing and progress bars.

  1. Donation Form Banner: Add the sponsor logo and a custom message notifying the donor of the match amount and opportunity to donate. Customize the background banner color to uniquely represent every sponsor and matching gift.
  2. Donor Listing: The sponsor logo and match amount will be displayed alongside each donation listed in the recent donor listing during an active match.
  3. Progress Bar: The donation and match amounts count towards the funding progress bars on the homepage, personal, team and organization pages.

Matching operates on the principle of “doubling”, or even tripling (and beyond!) the impact of donations through corporate sponsorships or matching gifts. For any given campaign, your organization can support one, or multiple matches and display them within a specific period of time.

Matching Use Cases

Auto displaying matched donations helps maximize donation impact by showcasing matched amounts alongside donor contributions. Highlight corporate or major donor partnerships to increase fundraising success for match days and other campaigns.

Some matching use cases include:

  • “Match Day”: A dedicated event within any fundraising campaign driving donor engagement and donations with specific matching initiatives.
  • Annual Campaigns: Doubling contributions during annual drives through matched donations, maximizing impact.
  • Capital Campaigns: Accelerating donations for defined projects or initiatives, leveraging matches to attract significant funding.
  • Emergency Relief: Mobilizing matching funds swiftly during crises or disasters, amplifying donor support for immediate relief.
  • Special Events: Enhancing donations at gala dinners or auctions with matching opportunities, inspiring generosity among attendees.
  • GivingTuesday and Year-End Appeals: Harnessing matches to spur donations during critical fundraising periods, multiplying the impact of end-of-year giving campaigns.
CauseVox Automated Matching Donation List

Benefits of Automated Matching

Automated matching offers a suite of features designed to optimize fundraising efforts and enhance donor engagement. From flexible matching options to customizable design, your organization can seamlessly adapt its matching initiatives to meet campaign goals.

  • Flexible Matching Options: Enable or disable matching at any time, supporting multiple matches or events.
  • Customizable Time Frames: Set specific time frames for online donations to be automatically matched, to easily align with campaign timelines.
  • Concurrent Match Support: Automated matching supports multiple matches running concurrently or consecutively, maximizing fundraising opportunities.
  • Controlled Matching Limits: Cap the amount matched per donation, optimizing the impact of each contribution.
  • Efficient Fund Management: Match funds are allocated to donations based on match terms and will be used until depleted, ensuring transparent and accountable fund allocation.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Matched amounts are displayed in donation counters on the campaign homepage as well as personal, team, and organization pages, increasing transparency and motivation for donors.
  • Recognition of Donors and Sponsors: Individual donation match amounts and matching gift sponsor names and logos are highlighted in donation listings, acknowledging contributions and fostering donor appreciation.
  • Customized Communication: Users can customize the message displayed in the donation form during active matches, providing personalized engagement and driving donations.

Create a Unique Fundraising Experience with CauseVox

Transform your fundraising with Automated Matching. Let’s partner together to make your vision a reality.

To learn more about switching to CauseVox, check out our pre-recorded demo or book a live 1-1 demo.

For access to the new Automated Matching feature, or if you have additional questions, contact us at