Strategy Tip: Coordination Basics

Marshmallow Tower

I love team building activities. My favorite, which we do every year, involves getting in teams and competing to build the tallest tower with spaghetti and marshmallows. The spaghetti is used to build height while the marshmallows are used as a glue to connect the spaghetti.

The point of this activity is to discover how to communicate and coordinate better with your team members. It’s interesting to see the leadership, work-styles, and conflict come out of the exercise. To be successful in this activities, it takes different styles of leadership, careful planning, and clear delegation of duties.

For your online fundraising campaign, coordinate better with your staff by setting goals, roles, and responsibilities.

1. Goals – What do you want to accomplish and when? e.g., Raise $10,000 by from July 1 – July 15 for the summer youth program.

2. Roles – What function does each person play? e.g. Sara is the Communications Lead, Jeff is the Technology Lead.

3. Responsibilities – What is each role’s activities and tasks? e.g. Sara is in charge of gathering content and media; Jeff is in charge of the fundraising page design

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