Think Like a Marketer to Engage Your Board

Transform your board’s engagement with a marketing mindset, using strategies from marketing and consumer psychology to inspire advocacy and drive nonprofit growth.

Discover how adopting a marketing mindset can revolutionize your board’s engagement and drive your nonprofit’s growth. In this session, we will explore practical strategies from marketing and consumer psychology to understand your board members better, create memorable interactions, and inspire confident, action-oriented participation. You will learn how to move your board members beyond the starting line to become passionate ambassadors for your cause.

In this 45-minute session, you’ll learn:

  • Understanding your board members’ goals, motivations, fears, and objections.
  • Creating memorable and impactful interactions through storytelling and multi-channel communication.
  • Developing clear calls to action that inspire confidence and trust.
  • Implementing follow-up, clarity, and personalization to maintain continuous engagement.


Picture of Julie Lacouture
Julie Lacouture

Founder at Good Ways

The goodies: