[Webinar] Last-Minute Year-End Fundraising Survival Guide

Nearly one-third of annual giving occurs in the month of December alone, and December 31 is the biggest giving day of the year.

So, if you don’t have a year-end fundraising plan in place, you can be certain that you’re leaving money on the table.

But, you only have a couple of weeks left to plan your year-end fundraising.

Which is why we’re presenting the Last-Minute Year-End Fundraising Survival Guide. In this webinar, we’ll show you how to quickly organize and execute a multi-channel campaign that will allow you to leverage this giving boom time to help your organization meet its financial goals now and into 2021.

In this 60-minute webinar, you’ll learn tried and tested strategies to:

  • Set goals and fundraising targets;
  • Pull off a multi-channel campaign in just six-weeks;
  • Manage your campaign without adding more work;
  • Get the most out of your mail, email, and social with copywriting tips;
  • Measure your success and course-correct as needed;
  • Incorporate #GivingTuesday into your year-end plan;
  • What to do in January to make sure those donors give again in 2021.

All that in 60 minutes!?! You better believe it! We’ll get you on the path to year-end success quickly so you can still raise the critical funds you need to support your mission through the end of 2020 and into the new year (+ survive the year-end with your sanity intact!).

This webinar may be for you if:

  • You’ve never run a year-end campaign before;
  • You’re a procrastinator who needs some help getting started;
  • You’re not sure if year-end fundraising is right for your organization, but you’d like to try a small campaign to see if it might work;
  • You’re new to fundraising or your organization and you want to dive in quickly to year-end fundraising.

Taught by Kelly McLaughlin: Your NonproFIT Coach

Kelly is an independent fundraising consultant based in the Washington, DC area. She has spent over a decade learning from some of the best, biggest, and brightest nonprofit leaders in the industry…and then figured out how to make their systems and practices work for small nonprofits—the ones with tiny budgets, too few staff members, or other resource restrictions.

She pairs this expertise with principles of behavior change management—learned from her years as a fitness trainer—to make sure that the changes her client organizations make stick and contribute to long-term growth.

Starting her career, Kelly oversaw an individual giving program that went from raising $300k annually to $1 million annually in just four years. Since then, Kelly has worked with a range of nonprofits, from multi-million dollar budgets to volunteer-run groups, from political advocacy to arts education, from international aid to local historical societies.


Candace Cody

Success + Education @ CauseVox

Kelly McLaughlin

Your NonproFIT Coach

The goodies: