[Webinar] How To Maximize Your Year-End Fundraising During Covid

Year-end fundraising in 2020 is going to look a little different than in years past.

In the past, year-end fundraising has relied on traditional strategies like direct mail and events. But this year, the rapid shift to digital-first fundraising has changed the fundraising landscape.

But, over the last 8 months, we’ve seen firsthand how nonprofits have adapted their fundraising strategies to thrive during this time.

So as we head into year-end fundraising during Covid, we want to share with you the latest trends, tactics, and strategies to help you raise more this year-end.

On 10/29 @ 2pm EST, we’ll be diving into the top tips to help you maximize your fundraising during Covid. Here’s what you can expect to learn:

  • Top-performing digital fundraising strategies you should work into your fundraising plans.
  • What traditional fundraising strategies aren’t working this year-end.
  • The traditional fundraising strategies you can still rely on to work in today’s landscape.
  • Best practices learned from nonprofits that are doing digital fundraising effectively.
  • Additional resources and templates to help you best implement these strategies.
  • + more

Don’t miss out on these key learnings! You’ll come away with a strong understanding of the strategies you can be sure will help you successfully fundraise this year-end.

We’ll be doing a 10 minute Q&A at the end, so come prepared with all your year-end fundraising questions! This webinar will be recorded and distributed to all registrants.


Candace Cody

Success + Education @ CauseVox

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