Year-End Campaigns as an Experience of Your Brand

Discover how to leverage the year-end giving season to build lasting connections with individual donors through effective branding, thematic messaging, and engaging visuals.

Most nonprofits raise 30-50% of donations from individual donors during the year-end giving season. How can you use this moment of generosity to build a lasting connection between new and repeat donors and your organization? This session will explore ways you can create a theme, visuals, and messaging to help the campaign feel special while still aligned with your organization’s brand so that supporters recognize and engage with you year-round.

Key takeaways:

  • Deepen their understanding of how branding applies to campaigns
  • Identify steps to creating a campaign, including developing a strong theme
  • Learn new approaches they can apply to both year-end campaigns and year-round communications


Picture of Farra Trompeter
Farra Trompeter

Co-Director at Big Duck

Picture of Erin Dresnick
Erin Dresnick

Senior Director of Development at Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy

The goodies: