Using CauseVox For

Donation Landing Pages

Create specific donation pages for fundraising initiatives, allowing easy tracking and targeting of donor segments while also enhancing your storytelling.

Platform features utilized:

Select modules

Choose from various pre-built modules to quickly structure your donation landing page.

Add content

Add content and stories to your landing page to drive donations effectively.

Publish online

Preview and launch your donation landing page to start accepting donations immediately.

Effortlessly create donation landing pages

Build and fully customize a unique donation landing page in minutes without any technical expertise.

Donation Landing Pages

Activate donors by telling a story

Use CauseVox to create a focused donation landing page for any program, campaign, or event. View a collection of examples.

For Organization Leadership

Gain instant visibility in fundraising

Using CauseVox for donation landing pages enables leadership to determine effective fundraising strategies and measure ROI quickly.

Tracking fundraising progress

Monitor real-time fundraising progress across funds, events, and campaigns for a comprehensive performance overview.

Zero data loss

Eliminate costly integrations and data import delays by utilizing a fully integrated system for more accurate data management.

Running reports

Access detailed reports that connect donations to metrics, helping you understand donor retention, acquisition, and growth.

Core Features

Donation landing pages are powered by these product features

Donation Forms

Customize, personalize, and create a delightful giving experience for every donor.

Fundraising Sites & Pages

Quickly create donation pages that reflect your brand, enhancing donor trust and engagement.

Fundraising CRM

Generate insightful reports through our CRM to better understand and engage your donors.

Get started

Ready to Create Unforgettable Donor Experiences?

Sign up for a free account to create flexible donation forms, engaging campaign pages, and easy peer to peer fundraising pages.

online fundraising platform