Using CauseVox For

Website Donations

Streamline your donation process with CauseVox. Enable supporters to contribute directly through your website, ensuring a seamless and engaging donor experience.

Platform features utilized:

website donation example

Ways to use CauseVox for website donations

Utilize two methods for easily accepting donations on your website.

Hosted donation page

Direct donors to a fully branded, customizable donation page. This dedicated space features your own donation form and can be updated anytime.

Embedded donations

Integrate a donation form or button into your own website. Forms can be set to appear as pop-ups, providing a smooth donation process without redirecting your visitors.

website donation embedded form
Website Donations

Make donating extraordinary

Examples of CauseVox website donations used for everyday giving.

For Organization Leadership

Gain instant visibility in fundraising

Using CauseVox for website donations provides Executive Directors and the Board with transparency in reporting and tracking of fundraising progress.

Tracking fundraising progress

Monitor real-time fundraising progress across funds, events, and campaigns for a comprehensive performance overview.

Zero data loss

Eliminate costly integrations and data import delays by utilizing a fully integrated system for more accurate data management.

Running reports

Access detailed reports that connect donations to metrics, helping you understand donor retention, acquisition, and growth.

Core Features

Website donations are powered by these product features

Donation Forms

Customize, personalize, and create a delightful giving experience for every donor.

Fundraising Sites & Pages

Quickly create donation pages that reflect your brand, enhancing donor trust and engagement.

Fundraising CRM

Generate insightful reports through our CRM to better understand and engage your donors.

Get started

Ready to Create Unforgettable Donor Experiences?

Sign up for a free account to create flexible donation forms, engaging campaign pages, and easy peer to peer fundraising pages.

online fundraising platform